Amos Kipyegon

Full-stack Developer
based in kenya


I am a problem-solver at heart, and I enjoy the challenge of finding creative solutions to complex problems. I'm Amos, a Full-Stack Developer working as a Freelancer.


Nairobi, Kenya

+254 794 81 81 11


Back-end development

Front-end development

Database design

years of




projects done


My Skills

Backend development

Overall, my experience in backend development has equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to create efficient and effective solutions.

As a backend developer, I have a strong skill set in building RESTful APIs and implementing authentication modules. I have a solid foundation using a variety of tools and frameworks for development.

  • Python
  • Java
  • Django
  • Springboot
  • Fast Api
  • Json Web Tokens
  • Pytest/Writing Tests
  • OpenApi Documentation

Frontend development

Overall, my frontend development expertise has given me the abilities and knowledge required to create visually appealing and user-friendly web applications.

As a frontend developer, I have a strong skill set in implementing design UIs and linking client applications with APIs. I have experience creating solutions in the form of web applications and have a solid foundation using a variety of tools and frameworks for development.

  • HTML
  • Css
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Vue JS
  • Nuxt
  • React
  • TailwindCSS

Database development

My experience in database development has equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to create reliable and scalable data storage solutions.

I have a strong understanding of how to design efficient and effective database schemas. I am also experienced in writing complex SQL queries to extract and manipulate data and have worked on optimizing query performance to ensure smooth and efficient data access.

  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Docker

Education & Experience


  • Bachelor of Science in Computer science

    Kabarak university


  • Software development internship

    HealthIT, uonafya
  • Backend development


2022 - present

  • building e-commerce

  • Working with upwork clients


My Latest Projects

featured project

E-commerce store

This is an exploration of building an e-commerce website with full-stack features. It allows users to buy or sell their products on the same site.

  • NuxtJS
  • Django
  • TailwindCSS
  • PostgreSQL
featured project

This site

This project was for showcasing and keeping track of my progress and skills.It also helped me to practice creating a visually appealing landing pages.

  • NuxtJS
  • TailwindCSS
featured project

Logistics App

This is a transportation and delivery app aiming to solve the common small and medium scale business face when delivering goods to their online clients.

  • NuxtJS
  • Django
  • LeafLet JS
  • TailwindCSS

Get in touch

Currently, I'm open to opportunities and doing collaborations; my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

Say Hello


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